My First Redundancy

three years ago…

Vern Chan


Illustration by Crazy Lady on Shutterstock. Alcohol Ink Painting. Monochrome Natural Luxury Marble. Black Marble Watercolors. Oil Stroke. Black Paint Mixing. Spanish Marble. Alcohol Ink Mix.

Shock fused my system when the news first broke by my line manager. She knew it’s a hard news to share and decided to pull me to a quiet corner downstairs the office. That’s one of the afternoons back in 2017. She seems angry about the ‘rumour’ but I was totally lost, and numbed.

I built a pretty solid career over my fifteen years of working in Kuala Lumpur, the last nine…



Vern Chan

A curious mind who writes on various topics that aim to inspire change, or at least, helpful. A certified startup coach tries to improve the odds of success.